Buying Souvenirs in Bali at Krisna Super Store

If you want to Buy Souvenirs in Bali Krisna is the 1 stop you are going to want to make. It is a superstore that sells almost everything you will see at the markets. It is a stress-free air-conditioned warehouse where you can spend as little or as much time as you like browsing without being asked to buy things you have no intention to. If you have never been to Bali it will click what I’m talking about when you get there.
Buy Souvenirs in Bali at Krisna is so much less stressful than all the haggling and inflated prices you will find at the markets.
There are a few stores but the one I always go to is located less than 5 mins from the DPS Denpasar Airport named Krisna Toko Oleh Oleh Khas Bali.
It is huge & it is cheap! I highly recommend stopping past Krisna early if you have never been to Bali before. Get an idea of what the prices are of things. If you don’t want to cart stuff around come back before you leave.
What they don’t sell
They have no knock-off brand name stuff here. If you’re looking for fake Nike, Adidas, Everlast, Gucci, Rolex ect. You will have to head to any of the other markets. They are not hard to find. Close by you have Kuta there is an abundance of them there.
What they do sell
They sell almost everything you see around Bali. They have a large range of Instruments, Wooden souvenirs, Kites, Essential oils, cosmetics, Coffee / Kopi, Tea, Dried Fruits & nuts, In-sense and holders, Jewelry, Fridge magnets, Bali T-Shirts, Women’s Dresses & Maxi Dresses, Bathers & Swimsuits as well as much more
They also have a VIP clothing section which is just higher quality shirts with better quality prints. They have a lot of comical and joke T-shirts here. They generally range from 70-100k (A$7-$10)
Payment Options
They accept payment by card over 300k rupiah (A$30)
As well as cash.
If you’re from Australia, Be sure to check THIS POST to get the best value from your bank card with no international transaction fees & fee-free ATM withdrawals.
Opening Hours
They are open 24 hours! How convenient!
Getting There
There is a charge 2000 rupiah (A$ .20cents) for Motorbike Parking or 5000 rupiahs (A$ .50 cents) for Car.
If you’re wondering about transport options, THIS LINK will take you straight to the transport choices of Bali in my BALI MEGA GUIDE.
I have tried to include the price tags of what’s closest to me. If you need to convert the prices you can use to do your currency to INR (Indonesian Rupiah Code)
If your Australian the easiest way to get a close idea is to take the last two 0’s off the end and that’s your price in dollars and cents. Eg. 100,000 rupiah is A$10 which would look like this 100,0 just either ignore the “,” or move back one place there’s your $ & c
Seashell Tissue Box
Wooden Butterfly
Hand carved wood 1.1milion rp
Musical Instruments
Bintang Clock 10500k
Bali Coffee Kopi
Women's Dresses 60k
Essential oils 25k
Tissue Box
Bali Kopi Coffee
wooden duck Bali Souvenirs
wooden rabbits Bali Souvenirs
You can check additional photos by others on Google by CLICKING HERE and navigating to the photo tab.
Check Out All My Posts On BALI!
Click Picture Below For My Mega Bali Guide

3 thoughts on “Buying Souvenirs in Bali at Krisna Super Store”
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Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.
Glad you enjoyed it. Definitly saves having to haggle which gets tiresome after a while.