Mickey (Mouse)

Mickey (Mouse)
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Sex: Female
Age: about 8 years (2010 we get)
Mood: Snobby 
& Hiso Attitude

Best Friend: Myself.

Mickey was our first cat. My son rang me one day from school and asked me if he could bring this kitten he found home. I said NO WAY! I dont want to be responsible for a cat dont bring it home!

His next words changed my mind.

“But if I dont he’s gonna die, It can’t walk and eyes just barely open” 

When he arrived home I had no idea how to care for a new born kitten with no mother. 8 years later here she is now strong and healthy. Let it be known she is the snobbiest cat of them all!

Mickey feels like she is too good for the other cats and would prefer to be alone. Her deep blue eyes and gorgeous coat is just no match for any of the males here.

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