Wheelchair Accessible Hotels in Phuket Thailand

I come to realise when trying to find accessible rooms in Phuket there was not a lot of information available. So I have compiled a list that I have physically gone and inspected and got as much information and pictures for you as possible.
Below you will the accessibility options for Novatel Phuket Vintage Park Resort, The Kee Resort and Spa, Sheraton Four Points Patong, Holliday Inn Resort Patong & Baan Khaolak Beach Resort
Novotel Phuket Vintage Park Resort Phuket
We spent 3 nights in this hotel during our stay. My mother the guest requiring the accessible room is on a walking frame and also uses a wheelchair in the room but is not wheelchair bound so the requirements of someone unable to walk at all may be slightly different.
About the accessibility
The lobby is on the 2nd floor. When you arrive you are required to drive up a steep ramp in a car. This 1st ramp would be a challenge for someone manually pushing. There is then a set of stairs and a ramp of medium steepness. 2 staff members would always push my mother up the ramp to the lobby.I felt reassured that if one slipped or fell over she was safe.
Going Down - Holding on tight
From the lobby, you will cross a completely flat bridge overlooking the swimming pool and pool bar. Take a left past the elevator. You will arrive at room 1210.
Breakfast is on the 1st floor. The best 2 ways we found to go from the room are
1 – Cross the bridge on the 2nd floor to the elevator closer to the lobby. Go down to the first floor walk to the left and you will find “The Square” dining room.
2 – Take the elevator closest to the room. The ramp to cross the bridge on the 1st floor is so steep we did not even consider trying to push the wheelchair up and over it. Out of the elevator turn right and walk around the swimming pool to the opposite side of the pool where the entrance to the “The Square” dining room. A slight annoyance of this way is there is a tile missing at the bottom of the ramp closet to the elevator making it a bump for the smaller front wheels to not smoothly roll over.
Option 2 Pictured Below

Fix me please!
Fix me please!
Accessibility to “The Square” Restaurant
This was a slight challenge during our stay There are 2 small steps to enter the restaurant. The biggest difficulty with these steps is they are about the same length as the wheelchair apart. So you only just get the wheelchair up on the 1st platform and need to get up the second step. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a photo of this area.
Easy Access to Carpark
As above with option 2 (breakfast is on 1st-floor sub heading). When you get to the end of the swimming pool and turn left towards the dining room if you instead walk straight past the dining room there is a gate if you follow the “To Beach” sign this will take you to the car park via a small ramp on the entrance side of the car park. The car park security will try to guide you to park on the exit side of the car park when you go to park. If you park on the entrance side it saves having to enter your room by going up the steep ramp unloading your wheelchair from the car and then parking the car and having staff push you up the next ramp. We only went up the main ramp on check-in, Check out & the day it was raining when returned.
* Do note walking past the “The Square” dining room (not the entrance side) there is another floor tile missing that they have used to make drainage for air conditioners in the restaurant. This makes a slight annoyance every time passing this way.
Things to be aware of with this room
There is a small step entering the room as you will notice in the photos it is approx 4cm high.
There is a small step in the shower approx 3cm high to enter the shower although the rest is flat.
There are sufficient handrails and a shower seat made into the stone wall.
The room only comes in a twin single bed configuration
There are not many powerpoints (1 above desk, 1 double on one side of bed & Shaver plug)
There are so many light switches located all over the place.
Step Into Room
Step into room
Toilet handrails Novotel Vintage Park Phuket
Shower handrails Novotel Vintage Park Phuket
Small step into shower area
Toilet handrails Novotel Vintage Park Phuket
Shower handrails Novotel Vintage Park Phuket
Small step into bathroom
Room to book
There is only 1 accessible room available in this hotel.
You must book the room grade Superior room.
Request room 1210 via email.
I would suggest you contact them prior to booking to ensure this room is available for your preferred period.
Night Blooming Lobby Bar
This area is flat from the lobby area. You are able to enjoy the area with a 2-for-1 cocktail in the evening.
Take a look at the menu click here
Overall conclusion
If you are wheelchair bound this room may not be 100% suitable for your needs. After a few steps into the room and into “The Square” restaurant. For someone on a walking frame or walking sticks the room is quite manageable. During our stay, we used a wheelchair that was pushed around by myself and managed fine. Whilst inside the room my mother on a walking frame felt really safe in the room. I will write to the hotel and suggest they modify the steps of the restaurant and the few in the room to be more suitable. In conclusion, we would choose this property again in the future for a semi-accessible room.
Foyer Check In Counter
Room 1210 Accessible Room Novotel Vintage Park Phuket
View Crossing Bridge 1st floor to room
Video Link To Walkthrough
Check Price & Availability
Four Points by Sheraton Phuket
First I must disclose I haven’t physically stayed here. I viewed the room during our stay as I found out about this accessible hotel after we had already booked and wanted to check it out for future reference. If your looking for a 100% wheelchair-friendly venue this one definitely ticks all the boxes as far as the room is concerned.
About the accessibility
There are 2 ramps that enter the foyer one is much longer and less steep but both are of a good standard. The floor was completely flat all the way to the room with no need to use the elevator. I can’t comment on where the breakfast is held as forgot to ask.
Front entrance to foyer
Front entrance to foyer
Side ramp to foyer, Avoiding foyer to room
Side ramp to foyer, Avoiding foyer to room
About the room
The room had a new fresh feel. The bathroom was the most suitable of all the venues we have looked at. I believe this would be suitable for a wheelchair-bound person with ample space to navigate and move around. They may need to move the table and chair to free up space for access to the left side of the bed as the right side I don’t believe would be wide enough for the chair to slide down.
Access to Carpark
The car park is an underground 2-story park. It is less desirable to park in as is quite narrow with steep ramps and narrow parks. I didn’t enquire if there were any accessible parks please feel free to let me know and will update here.
Room to book
We physicality inspected room 1106 which is what all photos and videos are from. They said they have about 5 accessible rooms in Superior Room Grade and there is 1 Deluxe Accessible room. Although she sounded very unsure the Deluxe would ever be available. I’m pretty sure she said only came in a double bed configuration. Please check directly if you require otherwise
Overall conclusion
Although I didn’t physically stay here or have a wheelchair to push around. I believe this location would be suitable for someone wheelchair-bound. A slight modification of removing the table and chair may be required. The bathroom should be manageable. For someone like my mother on a walking frame, she would manage easily although I believe she would prefer an additional verticle rail in the shower.
Video Walkthrough
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Holiday Inn Resort Phuket
Again I would like to acknowledge we didn’t physically stay in this hotel just inspected the room.
About the accessibility
The location is flat from the reception. You are required to use the elevator to get to the accessible room.
The pool is located far away from the room. My walk to the swimming area had a way with no steps.
About the room
Whilst the room was set up well for someone like my mother on a walking frame. I’m not 100% sure the space is open enough for a wheelchair-bound person. The distance between the end of the bed and the wall may not be sufficient. The location of the room was quite a distance from the hotel lobby requiring 1 elevator trip.
I believe they stated there are 2 accessible rooms available. The one I inspected was room 403. They only come in twin single-bed configurations.
Why we didn’t stay here
Whilst the accessibility factor for a walking frame user would have been perfect. For the price point, this hotel didn’t have the WOW factor compared to the Novotel Vintage Park hotel. Once entering the hotel you walk through dark hallways to the room with no nice views like the Novotel. As I came and inspected this hotel and the Novotel prior to the trip with my mother this influenced the other hotel although this may have been a bit better accessibility-wise.
Video Walkthrough
Check Price & Availibility
We stayed here for 2 nights. I was unable to view the room prior to booking as was booked the days I was there but went on a whim of seeing a person in an electric wheelchair in the foyer. There is a ramp from the car drop-off straight up to the foyer.
The Kee Resort & Spa Patong

Overall thoughts.
I would not recommend this hotel for anyone requiring accessibility let alone wheelchair accessibility. There is a major issue with the air conditioning making the floors have condensation and super slippery.
Whilst there are no steps into the room or bathroom the rooms as they have installed ramps one room is a slippery tile ramp and the other is a grippy ramp.

I have bought a list of issues to the General Manager of the hotel and will leave it for him to rectify. He has responded to me in a positive manner although accessibility wise it is not an ideal hotel. The location is the reason I took a whim without looking at the room.
There are 2 ramp bridges over the swimming pool to get to the room. 1 is quite steep and the other one hidden on the other side of the restaurant is better but often cluttered with stuff from the kitchen having to get them to move stuff on multiple occasions.
Room to book
Should you still want to book these rooms the room numbers are 3207 & 3208 which are joining rooms. But the door joining the rooms does not open properly from the swelling of the door from condensation/water on the floor.
The main differences between the rooms are
3208 has a grippy ramp rather than a slippery tile one of 3207 into the bathroom.
3208 has rails next to the toilet whereas 3207 does not.
3208 has a slight ridge (step) into the shower whereas 3207 had some kind of stainless steel rounded step which I’m not sure what the purpose was.
3207 Toilet
3207 Shower
3207 Toilet
3207 Toilet
Grippy Ramp
Bath Tub
Rails near sink outside bathroom
View from 3207 looking at steep ramp over pool
Video Walkthrough Room 3207
Video Walkthrough Room 3208
Check Price & Availability
Baan Khaolak Beach Resort
This hotel is not actually in Phuket, it is approximately 70km from Phuket International Airport. I have not personally been here but have found out about it since going to Phuket. This hotel is 100% catered to wheelchair users. They have the chair hoist into the pool and a beach wheelchair that I believe can go into the sea as well.
These are some photos I have taken from their Facebook page credit to the respective owners
Please click here to go directly to the hotel’s website.
Please click here to go directly to their Facebook Page
If you search google for the below phrase will get a lot of different videos
Baan Khao Lak beach resort wheelchair video
You will also find some information regarding wheelchairs on the “Accessible Phuket” page which can access by clicking.
Check Price & Availability
Other Helpful Equipment
We ordered a bed stick of Lazada. Prior to our trip to Thailand. Mum uses one at home and for under 1000 baht ($40 AUD) delivered made her travels a lot easier. It has 2 clips that pop out so it can be packed flat and fit in our (large) suitcase afterwards.

Another device we found to make the toilet in the room better as the toilets are quite small standing about 30cm from ground level was a toilet seat booster that just clips on the toilet seat.

Whilst postage is fast in Thailand generally the next day or so do note the Toilet Seat booster we ordered came from china and took about a week to 10 days to arrive in Thailand. You could order these things dirrect to your hotel to hold for you if you are in need of them. It’s what we have done and mum thanked the heavens I did.
Know of somewhere else not mentioned?
I would like to keep this page as relevant to the topic as possible. If you know of another Hotel in Phuket or Thailand please comment below so I can investigate further.